Tag Archive | museum

Monday’s My-New-Favourites.

The D’Arcy Thompson zoology museum is my new favourite place. It’s small and somewhat hidden away, but it’s spectacular and well worth finding! It has loads of drawers to open, which are full of interesting things, and there’s a very-slightly-sinister cupboard full of things-in-jars. Unfortunately the museum isn’t open to the public, but it does open occasionally for special events.

You damned dirty ape!

You damned dirty ape!

This POSCA paint pen is my new favourite thing. I’d heard about them before (Johanna Basford is a paint pen fan, and I’m a Johanna Basford fan) and decided to try one out, as I was on the lookout for something to give me solid, opaque, quick-drying, non-smudgy lines. I’m so glad I bought it! Not bad for £1.78 – thanks, DJCAD art shop!

POSCA paint pen.

Check out those solid, opaque, quick-drying, non-smudgy lines! Oh yeah.